January is Awesome!

January is Awesome!

By Anita Rosebury

| Jan 03 , 2018

January is awesome! No, really it is! We know it may not feel like it at the moment, but if you stop and think a minute then you will find there are loads of great things about this month! Forget the fact that the holidays are over, the kids are back to school, and you are back at work. Snuggle up in your booicore towel material robe, grab a hot chocolate and take the time to read through our list of why the New Year is great, and you are guaranteed to face 2018 with more energy!

The Christmas Stress is Over!

As much as we love Christmas, and we really, really do, all of the planning, shopping, wrapping, cooking and entertaining can be very stressful - and there is usually a little bit of last minute panic! Realising that it is now January means that all that stress is over and you did it! You survived Christmas, and there is another eleven months until you have to do it again!

Shake Off the Slump

No-one diets over Christmas, do they? I mean, what’s the point?! Christmas is about rich food, little treats and just indulging ourselves - which is as it should be. However, January gives us the opportunity to throw off our Christmas Jumpers, put down the Quality Street and get outdoors again enjoying the fresh air with the rest of the family.

Kick Start a Healthy New You

A much as we love treating ourselves at Christmas, January actually comes as a bit of a relief allowing us to think about what we are putting in our bodies again. After all the eating and drinking of the festive season, it feels good to get back into healthy habits again and reconnect with our bodies.

A Clean Slate

The New Year often means a New Start, putting the things that didn't go to plan in the previous year to rest and instead looking forward to all the things that are to come. The past is the past, time to forget about it and move on, doing everything you can to make this year the best yet.

Endless Possibilities

Sitting in January and staring at the year ahead gives you a glimpse of all that is possible. Now is the time to straighten your back, take a deep breath and go for it. The world is your oyster.

New Year’s Resolutions

We all start the year with good intentions, setting resolutions to help us fight our bad habits. However, it is, even more, fun to watch each other break these resolutions, as we inevitably do! 

Brighter Days Are Coming

After the snow and dark nights of Winter, there is light at the end of the tunnel with little hints that the brighter days of summer are on the way. The clouds start to break up, the sun peeks through, and things just start to look better!

Whatever 2018 has in store for you, make sure you are covered with one of our booicore towel material robe's - perfect for camping, extreme sporting or just simply swimming! In a range of colours, for both adults and kids, they are sure to be your essential item of the year.